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  1. Cut fish into bite size pcs. Soak overnight in solution of 2/3 c salt and 1 gal water for every 2-3 lb fish. (1 to 1-1/4 lb fish makes 1 quart.
  2. Rinse well. Pack in sterilized jars with 1/4 med. onion thinly sliced per jr.
  3. Heat to boiling (sufficient for 3 quarts fishh): 2 quart white vinegar, 2 c. sugar, 1-1/2 tsp whole allspice, 1 tsp whole black peppers, 2 bay leaves for every quart of fish.
  4. Put warm vinegar solution over fish, dividing the spices between the jars.
  5. Screw on camp. Process in water bath 90 min. Shelf storage if sealed.
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