Профиль пользователя Evelyn Scott
I love to cook and share recipes
Suffern, NY (США)
Участник с 02 октября 2009
Продвинутый повар
Лучший повар, Лучший фотограф, 809 очков CookEatShare
Очки CookEatShare
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Рецепты - 216
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Отзывы - 18
Комментарии - 72
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Всего - 809
Обо мне
Кулинарное влияние
Coming from a large Italian family, food was a way of life for us, it seemed that all we did was eat !! Everything was homemade, the spaghetti, the ravioli, the gnocchi, the breads, and the dolci.
My Mom, my Nonna, and my Zias, all were without a doubt, the greatest cooks this side of Heaven !!
Each holiday was spent together, crammed into Nonna's little house,with her 8 children, their spouses,my brother, and my cousins.The kids sitting at tables set up in the living room, and in the kitchen, anywhere there was extra room. The grown ups were in the back in the dining room.
I always thought this was the way family gatherings looked like !!
Любимые поваренные книги
- Lidia's Italian American Kitchen (Lidia Bastianich)
- Lidia's Family Table
- La Cucina di Lidia
- Lidia's Italian Table
Повара, которых я рекомендую
- Lidia Bastianich (NY)
- 30 января 2014Evelyn. I am happy you are following. Be sure to join the Italian Groups. J.Gino Genovesi
- 27 сентября 2013Dear Evelyn,
Thanks for accepting my friendship here. I love Italian food and saw your recipe for Pumpkin Tiramisu & Cognac Shrimp. I can't wait to try them because they look amazing!
Robyn - 19 июля 2011Hey there - Enjoyed seeing your shrimp risotto recipe immensely, added it to my Group. Please take a moment to join the seafood recipe group, SEAFOOD CATCH and add more recipes so more can enjoy them ... many thanks and looking forward in seeing more great recipes.... Drick
- 07 мая 2011Evelyn - my wife is Italian and adores Lidia Bastianich. I am very happy we have connected here and look forward to a lively exchange of ideas & recipes. Best regards, Amos
- 05 февраля 2011Hey Evelyn..I went to Pomona Jr. HS...I live in Montebello/Suffern. Small world. Thanks for the follow. Don't you love CES? I do. Can you believe the snow we're getting? And more on the way, Ugh. I think we "met" once before...on CES? Maybe? Keep posting. N
cucinananette.blogspot.com - 27 июля 2010Hello again Evelyn,
Looks like I haven't talked to you in a few months here. I have been very busy here in Southern CA and things are going mucho better than when we talked last.
I did my first guest post on my friend Jesse's cooking blog and thought I would send it your way too.
It would be nice to hear from you again.
Polly Motzko - 16 мая 2010Dear Evelyn,
Thanks for accepting my friendship request on here. It is gonna take TIME to get my recipes from GroupRecipes on here and selected ones from FoodBuzz.com.
Are you on any other websites other than this one and do you have your own cooking site?
I would love to know what it is so I can go look at it!
Polly Motzko
- 16 мая 2010Dear Evelyn,
I just joined this site last night in the wee hours of the morn. Claudia in FL told me about it and said what great place it was to get more readership on my cooking blog.
I would love you to take a look at it at:
Polly Motzko - 30 марта 2010Hi Evelyn. I've been going through the recipes you've posted recently and they look amazing! We haven't tried any yet, but I assure you we will in the coming weeks. Thanks for putting in the effort to share them!