Создатель: Frank Fariello

I love all Kinds of Mediterranean Food

Robin 13 ноября 2010

Because of health issues I am adopting the Mediterranean way of eating. I believe in healthy, nutrtitious foods. Living in Ohio it's hard to find fresh vegetables and fruits in the cold season so I am trying to find out ways to freeze them for the cold times. My goal is to lose more weight, improve my cholesterol levels and generally be in better health. Going to Tuscany is a dream of mine one day, but until then I will enjoy the recipes I am able to find on this site.

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Nanette 14 ноября 2010, 05:51
Re: I love all Kinds of Mediterranean Food

Just making small changes can improve your/our health, Robin. Less butter and more olive oil for instance. More veggies and fruit is a great change. Going Mediterranean is a terrific start. Putting your food on smaller plates is a good "trick" and drinking plenty of water is one of the best things to do. Yes, Tuscany someday....anywhere in Italy would be heavenly, I agree. Good luck with your life-style changes. N

Laura Pazzaglia
Laura Pazzaglia 14 ноября 2010, 09:10
Re: I love all Kinds of Mediterranean Food

Robin, I know what you mean! Forget about eating locally in Austria, during the winter! I've been there and I was getting a little bit tiered of saurekraut and potatoes!!!

My best advice is to shop the frozen veggie isle. They are actually better-quality vegetables than the ones that have been shipped from who-knows-where and picked unripe. Frozen veggies are usually frozen just hours after being picked - so that should get you through this winter until your garden bounty starts again in the spring.

My favorite healthy trick is making spinach pesto - it's not on this website because my personal blog is not all about cooking. Take a look at it here:

Buon Appetito!


John Spottiswood
John Spottiswood 15 ноября 2010, 07:03
Re: I love all Kinds of Mediterranean Food

I hope you make it to Tuscany some day, Robin! In the meantime, I look forward to following you and trying some of the healthy Mediterranean recipes you post, and hope you'll try many that you find on the site!
