Профиль пользователя Frank Fariello
Lawyer by day, cook by night
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My blog
Обо мне
I am an international lawyer with a passion for good, simple but well-prepared food. In my food blog Memorie di Angelina, inspired by my grandmother's wonderful home cooking, I draw on my Italian heritage, my international life experience in New York, Rio, Paris, Vienna and, above all, ten wonderful years in Rome. I now live in Washington, DC.
Besides the Italian food of my own cultural background, I also enjoy French and Chinese cuisine. I am an inveterate dim sum maven, can't get enough noodle soup and dream about a hearty cassoulet on a cold winter's eve. But let me not forget my passion for great sushi and fondness for real Mexican food.
I author a food blog called Memorie di Angelina, inspired by the wonderful home cooking of my Italian grandmother. I also administer a Facebook recipe exchange club called Gnocchi ai funghi.
Looking forward to enjoying this vibrant community of professional and home chefs!
Кулинарное влияние
My grandmother Angelina, still the best cook I've ever known!
Любимые поваренные книги
- La scienza in cucina e l'arte di mangiar bene (Pellegrino Artusi)
- The granddaddy of them all.
- Il Talismano della Felicita' (Ada Boni)
- The "Joy of Cooking" of Italy. A must for anyone interested in Italian cuisine.
- Essentials of Classic Italian Cooking (Marcella Hazan)
- After all these years, still the single best Italian cookbook in English.
- The Fine Art of Italian Cooking (Giuliano Bugialli)
- Great recipes (mostly Tuscan) and wonderful stories from an erudite Florentine gastronome.
- La cucina napoletana (J. Carola Francesconi)
- The best and most complete cookbook I know on Neapolitan cuisine
- Mastering the Art of French Cooking (Julia Child et al.)
- Still the best French cookbook in English
- Tuscia a Tavola (Italo Areti)
- A great little book on a little-known but wonderful cuisine of northern Lazio
- The Cuisine of Venice and Surrounding Northern Regions (H. Giustis Lanham, A. Dodi)
- Wonderful recipes for polenta, risotto, fresh pasta and more... Sadly, seems to be out of print.
- 10 января 2017Thank you , brings back wonderful memories that I had long forgotten over the years
- 14 января 2014I have followed you now for over a year, and of all the claimed Italian cooks, I felt compelled to share that your recipes for genuine Italian cuisine and exceptional. I can say this since I am Italian on both sides of my family, and grew up with a similar (slightly more aged) family heritage--cook, eat and have fun with affection. The ladder of course is the best ingredient.1 reply
- 20 февраля 2012Yo Frank come see some of my recipes... But don't whine about my Carbonara.
I'll be trying some of your's this weekend. - 17 декабря 2011HI FRANK, HOW ARE YOU? I HOPE YOU'RE GOOD RIGHT NOW AND HAPPY TO COOK SOME FOODS A TASTY FOOD FOR EVERYONE..
LEMONGRASS THAI RESTAURANT - 27 июня 2011ty for the follow...I am also in law school -I guess now is as good a time as any to take out my Learn Italian by Primsleur! :-)
- 04 апреля 2011Caro Frank, ringrazio per l'invito, ma purtroppo il mio inglese non mi permette di seguirti.
Conosco bene il francese e un poco lo spagnolo, ma la lingua che tu usi è sempre stata
per il mio orecchio difficile. Mi dispiace veramente. Auguri. - 04 апреля 2011thank-you for inviting me to the French Group. I posted a new receipe if you dare to venture.
namaste' - 27 марта 2011per chi a le ricette per polenta, mi faresti un grande piacere,2 replies
grazie marlis- 03 апреля 2011Cara Marlis, Sul mio blog ci sono varie ricette per la polenta, per esempio la polenta con salsicce e spuntature: http://memoriediangelina.blogspot.com/2010/02/polenta-con-salsicce-e-spuntature.html, una pietanza tipicia romana...oppure per chi preferisce non mangiare carne, la polenta pasticciata con fagioli e verza: http://memoriediangelina.blogspot.com/2010/02/polenta-pasticciata-con-fagioli-e-verza.html.
Buon appetito! - 04 апреля 2011grazie, franco, lo provero, se ti viene in mente altre cosa, manda me lo, ti auguro una splendita vita, salute marlis wortmann
- 27 марта 2011ciao franko
scusa mio scritto italiano
io sto facendo una polenta take away, e mi farebbe molto piacere se potresti dar me altri riceti per la polenta, oltre che salsic. coniglio , pollo e manzo, qual cosa vegetariana ? la cacia gione qui non ce, grazie marlis wortmann - 14 марта 2011Contento di conoscerti, e seguirti nella tua ricerca della buona cucina ITALIANA ,spero di contribuire, e se proverai una mia ricetta vorrei un giudizio legale Ha Ha Ha.
Salutoni Grilli D oriano - 05 марта 2011Grazie per l'invito, ma debbo rifiutare per la mia scarsa conoscenza della lingua inglese dato che
parlo solo l'italiano, il francese e un poco la spagnolo. Saluti e auguri. ormaistanco - 03 марта 2011hi let me have your recipes and ingredients ..like to try new food for my family
- 23 февраля 2011Sorry, I forgot to add that Amos suggested that I ask you if you had any VERY simple recipes that would be suitable for my site. Would you please share to get my site up and running? I don't think there is another site here dedicated to disabled cooks. Think of yourself suddenly in a wheelchair. What would you serve?1 reply
You would have reduced endurance, reduced arm strength and mobility problems. I put a link to one of my Blogs on Post Polio Syndrome about cooking from a wheelchair on "Tips and Helpful Hints"......- 24 февраля 2011OK Linda! Let me think about it... I'll try my best to put myself in that situation and get back to you.
- 23 февраля 2011Amos Milkler suggested that I follow you to get suggestions on how to construct my new page: Disabled, but Still Cooking. I have been doing this for exactly 2 days and am hooked!
- 20 февраля 2011Frank, in my fantasy I live in Umbria, and in fact will be there in less than 2 months. I have no actual Italian blood but i married a 1/2 Siciliano and in my heart I am an Italian girl. Ask anyone who knows me.1 reply
Looking forward to seeing what you're cooking.- 20 февраля 2011Phyllis, Thanks for stopping by! Looking forward to exchanging recipes with you--and enjoy your time in Umbria, it's a wonderful place. If you're interested in the food of Umbria, don't miss the recipes from Letizia Mattiacci here on CES! Cheers, Frank
- 28 января 2011Hey, Frank - I just put up a 'salty' response to your comment on the Tips page. I signed on to Memorie di Angelina yesterday, so I guess that makes me the 10,001th subscriber! I hope we can share much in the time to come. Best regards - Amos1 reply
- 30 января 2011Hey, Amos! Thanks for stopping by. And thanks a whole lot for subscribing to Memorie di Angelina looking forward to exchanging recipes and all that! I plan to do the salt test today as I have both kosher and sea salt in the house.
(And by the way, thanks for reminding me to update my status. It was really out of date; the blog now has over 17,500 followers! But I won't post about it until I get to 20,000...)
- 19 ноября 2010Hello, lorejae! And welcome to CES! Hope you like it and looking forward to sharing recipes!
- 18 ноября 2010My name is Mary Gordon. I am 36, single, take care of my mom, and going to college studying computer animation. I also have diabetes and asthma. Do you have and recipe ideas for me that I could leave for her while I am gone and to take with me while I am at school.1 reply
- 19 ноября 2010Mary, Wow, that's a lot of responsibility on your shoulders! Anyway, if your Mom can do some simple cooking tasks like reheating or popping something in the oven, then your task becomes a lot easier. Any sort of soups and stews can be reheated--in fact, they're much better made ahead. And you can also make gratineed dishes up to the point they go into the oven, and she can pop they in the oven just before she wants to eat. As for recipes, take a gander of some of mine. I think you'll find that most of them (except for the pastas) would be fine made ahead.
- 19 ноября 2010Not too many, Brooke. I'm no expert about how this site works, to be honest. But in my opinion the best way to enjoy this site is through the various groups that have been formed. This way you get alerts about new recipes and can share yours, too, more easily. Other than that, not much to say... it's a fun site, not nearly as commercial as most of the others, and so more enjoyable IMHO.
- 25 октября 2010Grazie tanti Frank for inviting me into your group Bologna la grassa, your cooking reminds me of my mother inlaw down south of italy, Happy Cooking and i am looking forward to trying your gorgeous dishes.1 reply
- 19 ноября 2010Hello carolanne and welcome to the group! And thanks for your kind words about my recipes! Cheers and Happy Cooking to you, too!