Рецепт Lemon and feta chickpea meatballs

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There’s obviously no meat in these meatballs, but I couldn’t bring myself to call them just ‘balls’. Even ‘vegetarian balls’ sounded a bit odd, so meatballs it is. But rest assured, these lemon and feta chickpea meatballs are entirely vegetarian.

I very rarely make my own meatballs – I cook with shop-bought soy-based meatballs every now and then (like in my spaghetti and meatballs casserole!), but don’t tend to make my own from scratch. And now I’m wondering why on earth not! They’re so easy.

These chickpea meatballs are entirely different from the soy-based ones, of course. I probably wouldn’t use these in the casserole (though I say everything’s worth a try once!). But, they’re just as good, if not better!

This time I…

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