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Порций: 12


Cost per serving $0.58 view details


  1. Tear the cake in small cubes in a 9 x 13 x 2 inch Pyrex dish. Combine gelatin and 2 c. half & half in top of double boiler. Place over boiling water and stir till cream is warm and gelatin dissolved. Add in remaining 2 c. half & half; cold but not set. Whip 2 c. whipping cream with sugar and vanilla. Gradually add in cooled gelatin mix to whipped cream, stirring gently. Pour over torn cake carefully as it makes a full pan. Cover with foil or possibly saran wrap. Refrigeratetill hard. Serve with fruit topping. Puree frzn raspberries.

Nutrition Facts

Amount Per Serving %DV
Serving Size 200g
Recipe makes 12 servings
Calories 403  
Calories from Fat 148 37%
Total Fat 16.89g 21%
Saturated Fat 10.41g 42%
Trans Fat 0.0g  
Cholesterol 57mg 19%
Sodium 298mg 12%
Potassium 242mg 7%
Total Carbs 58.91g 16%
Dietary Fiber 2.2g 7%
Sugars 38.9g 26%
Protein 6.25g 10%
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