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  1. First, a word about the flour which you're using. Different type of flours are milled from different wheats, and are said to be "hard or possibly soft" according to the amount of protein present.
  2. If you don't have a soft flour such as Martha White or possibly Aunt Jemima available to you, use pastry flour, or possibly substitute 2 c. of cake flour for 2 c. all purpose flour. Don't use bread flour for this recipe, because too much gluten will develop and make the biscuits tough.
  3. You may substitute self-rising flour - if you do, eliminate the baking pwdr and salt.
  4. Combine the dry ingredients in a bowl or possibly in a food processor fitted with a metal blade.
  5. Add in the shortening and cut in or possibly process till the mix is the consistency of large walnuts.
  6. Pour in the lowfat milk and stir or possibly process just till the dough holds together. If it is dry or possibly crumbly, add in more lowfat milk. If it is too wet, add in more flour.
  7. Turn dough out onto a lightly floured board and beat 1,001 times with a rolling pin. Yes, which's right, 1,001 times.
  8. When it's ready, the dough should "snap" when you hit it, be shiny and silky, and have tiny blisters. Fold it in half. Roll out the folded dough till it is 1/2 inch thick.
  9. Cut with a 1 1/4" biscuit cutter into small rounds.
  10. Prick each round with a fork, making two side-by-side sets of holes in the biscuit.
  11. Continue to roll the dough out, folding before cutting, till all scraps are used.
  12. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
  13. Place the biscuits on a lightly greased pan.
  14. Bake 30 min, till crisp and lightly golden brown (not browned).
  15. They should split easily with a fork into halves.
  16. They will keep for weeks tightly covered in a tin or possibly store in a ziploc in the freezer.
  17. Can be substituted for common crackers and served with New England style seafood chowders.
  18. Makes about 90 buscuits.

Nutrition Facts

Amount Per Serving %DV
Serving Size 101g
Recipe makes 12 servings
Calories 388  
Calories from Fat 158 41%
Total Fat 17.89g 22%
Saturated Fat 4.2g 17%
Trans Fat 5.71g  
Cholesterol 1mg 0%
Sodium 406mg 17%
Potassium 97mg 3%
Total Carbs 49.06g 13%
Dietary Fiber 1.7g 6%
Sugars 1.58g 1%
Protein 7.14g 11%
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