All the electric pressure cooker recipes that I've seen talk about a setting on "pounds"... And then turn it down after the "thing" on top starts to jiggle. The Cusinart that I have dosent work that way. The setting that it has is hi pressure, low pressure, keep warm, and for the amount of time you need.
I looked on the Cuisinart web site and they have recipes for their cooker but it's the same ones that are on the book that comes with the cooker.
Am I the only one in this cave?
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Who don't like food?
Simi valley, США
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The Cuisinart works on high, low or keep warm. Not a "pounds" settings like all the recipes that I have seen where the piece at the top starts to "jiggle" or vibrate when it's time to turn it down.
Can you see the frustration in my fingers?- Kirk