Обо мне
My name is Jewely.
I sarted this website as a bad cook, but slowly I have got better. Even though I
do not spend as much time in cooking as I would like.
I actually did not start cooking and joining this website in hopes to be
a big time cook. But to pass a spanish class for we had to make a spanish dish and I
had no idea what to do. Thats what lead me to this website! I still don't want to be a
big cook or what ever, but now I know how to cook for myself more. I don't depend on
others as much as I once did. It has really changed my life. I am 16 teen years old and
I go to high school. I still depend on others to cook for me, hey I'm a teen! But not as much as I once had. I can remeber a time when I would never step foot in the kitchen in hopes of cooking. As a matter of fact I did not ever even pictuer myself cooking. It was truly that bad. But now I have been using this website for about 2 months and while I don't cook for myself all the time, I do get in there now and then!!
Кулинарное влияние
My cooking influences right now are my Mother and Grandmother. They are both helpful and supportive! They teach me stuff and never talk me down when I do stuff wrong! I also have to say my brother michael and my grandfather help me when they can. I am so lucky to ahve people that care for me and want me to be good at everything I wish to do in life!