Обо мне
I am a trained scientist, PhD, in Physiology with an interest in food. I have been entering recipe/cooking contests for about eight years. I have won/placed in about 25 contests ranging from a semi-final winner in the Manishewitz cookoff (even though I am not Kosher or Jewish) to a recent win in the Paul Newman's "Let's eat in" contest. I enter anywhere from 2-5 recipes a week and sometimes I get lucky. Contests I would really like to be involved in: Pillsbury Back Off, Build a Better Burger, National Beef, National Chicken, just to name a few.
Кулинарное влияние
Culturally I am inspired by my Cajun background and I married into a Hispanic family. I like basic Southern cooking and enjoy making fresh pasta. My greatest idol is of course Juila Child. A big influence was Jeff Smith, The Frugal Gourmet, a name that is very rarely even spoken anymore. The food network over the past several years has become a big influence along with PBS.