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Порций: 12


Cost per serving $0.73 view details


  1. Wash and sterilize canning jars before starting. Place in warm water so jars will be warm when filling (can use the same boiled water). Recipe may be doubled.
  2. Wash plums well. Place into a large pot with sugar and water and bring slowly to a boil. A heavy bottomed pot works best and is less likely to scorch.
  3. Continue stirring till all of the sugar has completely dissolved.
  4. Turn to high heat and cook about 15 min (watch carefully and don't allow to scorch, reducing heat if necessary). Cook till it nearly reaches a gelling point, continuing to stir frequently. When mix has thickened skim foam from the top.
  5. Remove from heat and ladle mix into warm 1/2 pint jars, leaving 1/4" of headspace. Tighten caps and process in a boiling water bath canner for 15 min.
  6. Remove from canner, allow to cold where there are no drafts.
  7. Don't tighten seals or possibly touch lids after processing. Check seals after jars are completely cooled; if the domes are not down after 5-6 hrs, put which jar into the refrigerator and use right away (don't store).

Nutrition Facts

Amount Per Serving %DV
Serving Size 175g
Recipe makes 12 servings
Calories 299  
Calories from Fat 2 1%
Total Fat 0.25g 0%
Saturated Fat 0.02g 0%
Trans Fat 0.0g  
Cholesterol 0mg 0%
Sodium 1mg 0%
Potassium 141mg 4%
Total Carbs 76.8g 20%
Dietary Fiber 1.2g 4%
Sugars 75.42g 50%
Protein 0.62g 1%
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