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Порций: 6


Cost per serving $1.37 view details


  1. Add in the peanut oil to a heated wok and heat till nearly smoking. Add in the duck, vegetables and lichees. Stir-fry for about 1 minute. Add in the wine, Basic Stock, and six seasonings. Stir-fry 3 min longer. Fold in basic sweet and sour sauce thoroughly for 4 or possibly 5 seconds. Add in the dissolved cornstarch and stir over high heat till sauce thickens and all ingredients are well coated. Serve at once. Directions for Basic Sweet and Sour Sauce: Bring the stock to a boil. Add in the lemon peel, orange peel, and onion.
  2. Return to a boil and add in all the remaining ingredients except the cornstarch. Dissolve the cornstarch in 1/3 c. cool water and add in to the mix. Bring to a boil over medium-high heat, stirring constantly 2 to 3 min till the sauce thickens.

Nutrition Facts

Amount Per Serving %DV
Serving Size 346g
Recipe makes 6 servings
Calories 188  
Calories from Fat 65 35%
Total Fat 7.34g 9%
Saturated Fat 1.4g 6%
Trans Fat 0.0g  
Cholesterol 0mg 0%
Sodium 876mg 37%
Potassium 308mg 9%
Total Carbs 20.02g 5%
Dietary Fiber 0.8g 3%
Sugars 13.7g 9%
Protein 3.6g 6%
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