Рецепт Lady Morgan English Fish Soup

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  • 1 med brill filleted
  • 1 x sole filleted
  • 1 sm eel filleted Brill, sole, and eel trimmings and bones from the above
  • 1 bot champagne
  • 1 x lemon pulped Parings of the lb. of truffles
  • 2 x onions finely minced
  • 1 x carrot finely minced
  • 1 x celery stalk finely minced
  • 2 x leeks finely minced
  • 1/2 x bay leaf
  • 1 pch nutmeg
  • 1 pch cayenne pepper
  • 2 whl cloves
  • 2 x anchovies well rinsed Salt to taste Veal stock
  • 1 lrg whiting Crayfish butter Consomme
  • 1 lb truffles pared Consomme
  • 20 x mushrooms
  • 24 x oysters
  • 24 x shrimp
  • 24 x crayfish tails Consomme


  1. First make the fish stock: In a pot combine the fish bones and trimmings, the champagne, lemon pulp, truffle parings, onions, carrot, celery, leeks, bay leaf, nutmeg, cayenne, cloves, anchovies, and salt - bring to a boil, then simmer for an hour. Put through a silk sieve and pour it into a good veal stock.
  2. Then make fish scallops: Saute/fry the filets of brill, sole, and eel and shape them into scallops.
  3. Then make quenelles: make a forcemeat of the whiting and crayfish butter. Use coffee spoons to create them into quenelles, then poach them in the consomme.
  4. Then prepare the truffles: Poach them in consomme, then cut them an inch in diameter with a root slicer - then cut them into scallops 2-inches thick.
  5. Then, serially, blanch the mushrooms, oysters, shrimp, and crayfish tails in consomme.
  6. Then clarify the broth of the soup, mixing together the broth, the fish stock, and all the consommes. Bring to a boil.
  7. Presentation: In a soup tureen, place the liquid removed quenelles, the liquid removed fish scallops, the truffles, mushrooms, oysters, shrimp, and crayfish. When ready to serve, pour the boiling warm broth into the tureen and take to table. Whew!
  8. Comments: This artist, Marie Antoine Careme, was chef to Talleyrand, Tsar Alexander I, George IV, and Baron Rothschild. He lived and continues to live in an entirely different dimension from you and me and this soup collection. Nevertheless, for the record, here is one of his simplest creations. He says, "I served it for the first time at Boulogne, near Paris, in the household of Monsieur le Baron de Rothschild, the very day which I had the honor of being presented to the celebrated Lady Morgan." It's the only soup on this site which I have not personally made. Maybe one of these days I'll find the time, the money, and the nerve.
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