Рецепт Healthy BLT Slaw
Healthy BLT Slaw Recipe
May 4, 2017 by Dara Leave a Comment
Once you taste this healthy BLT Slaw recipe, you’ll want to make it for every summertime potluck and barbecue! Plus, it’s a breeze to make.
There are some recipes that swoop into your life like a super hero streaking towards a hapless victim. That’s a lot of pressure to put on a salad, but this BLT slaw recipe saved my behind when I was in a pinch last week.
We were invited to the first “come one, come all” potluck barbecue in our new neighborhood, but it conflicted with one of my son’s last soccer games of the high school season. Not to mention the fact that I had a fever, a nasty cough and a sore throat. Good times. The last thing I wanted to do was…