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Cost per recipe $4.33 view details


  1. Buy the leanest grnd beef possible, or possibly select a lean chuck roast and grind it or possibly have it grnd. Combine meat with remaining ingredients, mixing well. Cut a piece of plastic wrap the size of your drying tray. Put seasoned grnd beef on plastic wrap and, using a moistened rolling pin, roll grnd beef to 1/8" thick, spreading meat over entire area of tray. A jerky press can be used instead: Follow manufacturer's directions.
  2. Place meat-covered plastic wrap on tray and dry at 140 F for 4 to 6 hrs.
  3. Remove tray, plastic wrap-side up. Peel of wrap and throw away. Roll paper towels over top withrolling pin to remove melted fat. Invert meat onto another tray, plastic wrap-side up. Peel of wrap and throw away. Return meat to dehydrator and dry for another 4 to 6 hrs. Top with paper towels and roll again to absorb fat. Dry till jerky is hard and leathery. Cut into strips before storing. Package airtight and store in refrigerator or possibly freezer if possible. Use within 6 months.

Nutrition Facts

Amount Per Recipe %DV
Recipe Size 475g
Calories 1027  
Calories from Fat 650 63%
Total Fat 72.08g 90%
Saturated Fat 28.09g 112%
Trans Fat 4.26g  
Cholesterol 313mg 104%
Sodium 536mg 22%
Potassium 1486mg 42%
Total Carbs 3.56g 1%
Dietary Fiber 0.1g 0%
Sugars 1.75g 1%
Protein 84.62g 135%
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