Рецепт Caramel Bread Pudding Recipe with Almonds
How to cook Caramel Bread Pudding Bread pudding has started to grace our dinner table as early as 11th century. It is a frugal way to not waste stale or leftover bread while turning it into a tastier dish. Nowadays, it has become a much-loved dessert but can still be made savory when mixed with the right ingredients. If you like the flavor and texture of a caramel flan, Caramel Bread Pudding is ideal for you. This version is still made of stale bread, milk or cream and eggs with store-bought caramel syrup.Best with whipped cream on top. It’s like eating a caramelized French Toast for dessert! So just follow this easy-to-make recipe completely for the best bread pudding you have ever had.How to make Caramel Bread Pudding
Caramel Bread…
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