Рецепт Breakfast Peanut Butter Pizza with Jam and Fruit
Breakfast Peanut Butter Pizza with Jam and Fruit Posted by Jordan St. Clair-Jackson | No Comments Peanut butter pizza is a fun and easy way to start the day — even an busy school or work day morning. Pizza crust spread with peanut butter and then covered with bananas and other fruit and spoonfuls of jam make a filling breakfast treat in one fell swoop, rather than making a separate breakfast for everyone. It’s also a nice after-school
Make sure to use an all-fruit jam, and use peanut butter that’s nice and spreadable rather than clumpy. You can also consider using small pizza crusts to make personal-size
Serves: 6 or
What you
12- to 14-inch pizza
Natural (and preferably organic) peanut butter, as
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