Создатель: Frank Fariello

Need help with a measurement

Martha A. Cheves
Martha A. Cheves 09 июня 2012

I have a recipe that calls for 'a drop of white wine.' At first I thought a 'drop' wouldn't be missed. Then I read on and it says to cook 5 minutes to let the wine evaporate. Can someone please tell me how much a 'drop' of wine might be? I really want to try this recipe tomorrow.

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Patricia Stagich
Patricia Stagich 09 июня 2012, 13:57
Re: Need help with a measurement

Hi Martha. A drop of white wine and 5 minutes to evaporate? Depending on what you are making, I would say 1/4 cup would be the least amount.

A.L. Wiebe
A.L. Wiebe 10 июня 2012, 18:29
Re: Need help with a measurement

I would agree with Patricia...it would have to be a very "healthy" drop! LOL
