Обо мне
I was in an auto accident and in the hospital for a very long time. I was unable to swallow, and therefore not allowed to eat for over 10 months. while in the hospital I began to watch Food Network 24/7. You can safely say I became obssesed with food! Now I try new recipes everyday and try to make them up. I wanted to start a blog to share what I have learned and how wonderful cooking is. Also, I should share my car accident left me with minimal use of my left hand so I also want to share my tips I have learned that allow me to cook just as fast and successfully as anybody else. The longer I was without food the more I dreamt about the first thing I was going to eat...I hope that I could be of interest to anyone out there looking for a new recipe to try. You can cook anything you see or dream about and it can be delicious!
Кулинарное влияние
The grocery ads influence me! I know that is a weird answer. But I cook econmically. I cook whats on sale or what I bought extra of and put in my freezer. I use canned ingredients mixed with some fresh when on sale. I look at the ads and that when I compose my menu for the week I find it helpful and inspiring for ideas.