Обо мне
I started baking by age 11, but avoided cooking for a while longer (age 23!).
Baking is still my first love, but I don't do it nearly as often as I use to; I am currently the primary cook for my household of 5 (including one very picky one!), and try to use basic Primal/Paleo eating guidelines (meat, lots of veggies, some fruit, while generally avoiding grains, and almost all processed "frankenfoods"). My family hasn't complained about the changes, and they have all commented on feeling better!
It does make cooking (more of) a challenge sometimes, but the benefits have been worth it, thus far. I do make old favorites sometimes, as well (Carbonara!).
I love learning about the foods of other cultures, and was able to experience Mediterranean food first hand while I was active duty (United States Marine Corps).
Candy making is something that I would like to attempt, but boiling sugar worries me; I also have to find test subjects...
Кулинарное влияние
I grew up in South-East Alaska, and the Deep South/Texas (San Antonio, TX and Mobile, AL), raised by parents from the Deep South.
Some of my earliest food memories are of fresh seafood, wild game, and foraging for berries and edible plants, along with homemade bread and baked goods. There were large groups of Asian and Russian immigrants in the area of South-East Alaska where I was, so I was exposed to those cooking styles, as well as Mexican, Tex-Mex, Southern, & Cajun/Creole.