Рецепт Wholewheat Sweet Rolls with Mango Filling for #BreadBakers
We are baking with stone fruit for Bread Bakers this month. Our lovely host Mir, asked us to bake a bread with any kind of stone fruit, in any form, fresh, dried or juice. There are quite a few fruits to pick from like peaches, plums, apricots, nectarines and
With so many fruits to choose from, I was initially confused on what fruit to choose and which bread to bake. But finally decided on baking these sweet rolls with fresh mango. I flavored them with a little bit of ground cardamom instead of
These sweet rolls are similar to cinnamon rolls. I used King Arthur's cinnamon rolls recipe as the base and mango filling recipe from Foodiva's Kitchen. I made the bread with 100% Wholewheat pastry flour which gave the rolls a wheaty…
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