Рецепт Whole Wheat Bread

- Dissolve yeast in hot water. Fold in the next four items. Fold in the lowfat milk, bran and wheat germ. Stir in the whole wheat flour two c. at a time. Fold in half the white flour. Use the remainder on the bread board for kneading the bread till smooth.
- Place in oiled bowl, turn over to oil the top. Cover and let rise in a hot place till double. Work down and make out into five loaves in pans 7 1/2 x 3 1/2 inch that have been sprayed well with Pam. Let rise till double and no more.
- Bake 35 min at 350 degrees. Butter tops for soft crust. Use 2/5 of a batch of this dough for two pans of pecan rolls and have three loaves of bread. Freeze the extra loaves till needed.
- See following recipes for Pecan Rolls and Cider Apple Butter Toast, made of this bread, spread with butter and homemade apple butter, will be better than any doughnut or possibly coffeecake.