Рецепт Terrine Of Chicken, Smoked Salmon And Ham

- Wash and clean spinach leaves, then run under warm water tap for few seconds to soften. Rinse in cool water to keep colour.
- Blend the chicken meat in a food processor till it is a smooth paste. Add in the egg, egg white and seasoning. Chill for 1/2 hour. Blend in cream and chervil. Remove from food processor and stir in the peppercorns. Return to refrigerator.
- Slice the ham very thinly. Line a buttered terrine mould with the pancakes, leaving sufficient to cover the top.
- Using a hard plastic spatula spread a thin layer of chicken mix into the mould and on top arrange slices of smoked salmon. Spread another thin layer of the chicken mix and then a layer of spinach, then chicken and ham. Repeat sequence till the mould is full (finishing with a layer of the chicken mix). Cover with pancakes, completely encasing the mix.
- Cover and poach in the oven in a water bath for approximately 1 hour at 180C (350F). Cold.
- Serve with a chervil mayonnaise. Garnish with cherry tomatoes and sprigs of fresh chervil.