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Рецепт Stop to See the Possibilities
by Mindful Eats

NYC Marathon Expo

We have more possibilities available in each moment than we realize. ~Thich Nhat Hanh

I left work in a rush the other night to pick up my number at the NYC Marathon Expo, and barely made it in time. Since this is my second year, I figured I would project the cool veneer of an experienced marathoner, pick up my number and leave. Nope.

A lot of out-of-towners come to NY specifically to run the marathon. Wandering around with the group of excited visitors, I didn't see anyone I knew, so I didn't have to front that I was cooler than I am (kind of impossible anyway.) Last year I ran into a few people I knew at the Expo, so I tried to be blase. This year, I took the time to check out the scene.

I stopped to touch all the marathon-branded clothing and imagined myself in a new shirt, jacket and hat. Even gloves. I talked to pacers, and thought of myself running at improbably fast speeds. I tried on the fancy high-tech Garmin, imagining myself knowing my pace while running. I watched the video of the course and envisioned Sunday in all its gory detail. I entered a lottery - the winner will win an all expenses paid two week trip for two to Sydney, Australia and an automatic entry to that marathon.

I spent a lot more time at the Expo than I expected. It was fun imagining myself tricked out in fancy new gear, running faster than I could in all kinds of exotic places. In the end, while I enjoyed my imagination, I didn't buy any of the new stuff. My old shirt, hat and watch serve me faithfully and are plenty fine. I did buy a box of Gu though (plain). And I'm sure I'll win the lottery to Australia.

Even though I didn't leave with a bag of new gear, I left the Expo giddy and motivated. It was about seeing the possibilities. I think that's why you're here with us on MindfulEats. Because you see the possibilities in yourself and your goals.

Keep on trucking.

What I ate: 24 oz. Gatorade, 1 banana, hummus, pita bread, mushroom omelette, sauteed spinach, latte, whole wheat spaghetti + Rao's Siciliana sauce, macadamia nuts, 1 Andes mint, 2 Bread Alone chocolate chip cookies, hot chocolate, 60 oz. water.

Exercise: ran two miles with Lance Armstrong (ok, it wasn't really with Lance Armstrong - it was in his general vicinity with 100 other people)