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Рецепт Spring Vegetable Lasagne; Bunnies, bunnies and more bunnies
by Katie Zeller

I've got news for you, Mr. Nice-Guy Know-It-All from the garden store:


Forgive me for shouting, but I have now spent yet another 25 Euros for a fool-proof method of keeping the bunnies out of my garden.

It kept the fools out..... But not the rabbits.

The first thing I tried was a powder that a nice man told me would absolutely work.

I dutifully sprinkled it everywhere I should, inhaling the noxious powder.

Rabbits dutifully ignored it.

The second thing I tried were pellets that another nice man told me would positively work.

I confidently made a line of pellets everywhere I should.

Rabbits confidently crossed said line.

This last nice man pooh-poohed the recommendations of the first two, saying, but of course they didn't work!

You must use this. This will work.

His recommendation involved soaking string in a smelly, oily substance, then tying the string to posts all around the area I wanted to protect.

Naturally the oily string must never touch skin.

Have you ever tried to manipulate 15 meters of dripping wet string and tie it around posts - with garden gloves on? And keep it from ending up a ball of knots? And then do it 4 more times?

I persevered.

I was pleased.

I put it around the potager where they had been nibbling the lettuce; and around the herb garden where they had dug up the chives.

I thought we had plugged up all the bunny holes in our front garden (yard), but every morning the little darlings dug in the cow trough by the front door that I had filled with flowers.

Every morning.

The same place.

Every morning.

I put in little stakes and tied the string around the flowers.

Peace at last.

Four mornings in a row.... Undisturbed.

Yesterday I commented that it seemed to be working.

This morning the hole was bigger and deeper than ever before and the rabbit was still there, looking at me, with dirt covered paws, grinning.

Do you think the Bunny Mafia gets a commission on all the Anti-Lapin products


And what are they digging for? Fun? To torment me? Because they can?

Is nothing sacred?

Apparently not because I just put asparagus in the lasagne....

As well as spinach and green garlic.... It's Spring!

It was good.

I'm sending it over to Susan, at The Well-Seasoned Cook for inclusion in this week's Presto Pasta Nights.

This event was started over 3 years ago by Ruth, of Once Upon A Feast.

There have been lots and lots of wonderful pastas over the years....

I wonder if I could send a rabbit to everyone....

Spring Vegetable Lasagne

12 - 15 sheets 'no-cook' lasagna noodles

Trim and slice green garlic. Cut chicken and ham into small pieces. Trim asparagus and slice into 1/4" rounds.

Heat half of the oil in a large nonstick skillet. Add the chicken, green garlic, paprika and sauté until chicken is cooked through. Remove and set aside.

Add the remaining oil to the skillet along with the ham and asparagus. Sauté until ham is hot and asparagus is crisp-tender. Remove from heat and set aside.

Roughly chop tomatoes. Combine tomatoes, juices and tomato sauce in a small saucpan. Add herbs and bring to a simmer. Keep hot.

For the Béchamel sauce: In another small saucepan heat the butter over low heat. Add flour and

stir with a whisk for 1 minute. Add a little (1/4 cup) of the milk and

whisk to combine. Turn heat up to medium and keep adding milk, a little

at a time and whisking. You should have added all of the milk in a

minute or two. When all of the milk is in, bring to a boil, whisking. Remove from heat and stir in 1/4 cup Parmesan.

To assemble: in an square, 10 X 10 (25 X 25cm) or oblong baking dish, 9 X 11, (22 X 27cm) make the following layers:

1/3 Béchamel sauce

lasagne noodles, breaking them to get good coverage

All of the chicken and green garlic

1/2 tomato sauce


All of the ricotta

All of the spinach pressing it down to fit

1/3 Béchamel sauce


All of the ham and asparagus

Béchamel sauce


1/2 tomato sauce

Cover and bake 400F (200C) for 25 minutes, or until noodles are done. Test in center with a sharp knife. Uncover sprinkle with remaining Parmesan cheese and bake 5 minutes longer to brown. Remove and let rest for 5 minutes. Cut into squares (or oblongs) and serve.