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Рецепт Spaghetti and Meatballs with Mushroom and Chard Sauce
by Katie Zeller

This is a strange time of year in my kitchen.

The potager is completely unreliable, producing in fits and starts.

But it is producing, so I don’t really like to buy vegetables for the week.

But we have to eat.

So I either waste vegetables or run out….

Or end up with odd bits and get to be creative.

Spaghetti and Meatballs with Mushroom and Chard Sauce

Total time: 35 minutes




Cook spaghetti according to package directions.


In medium bowl combine egg, bread crumbs, mustard, soy sauce and oregano. Mix well.

Add beef and mix well, hands work best, kneading it like bread dough.

Form into small meatballs, about 1″ (2.5cm) in diameter.

Heat broth and sherry to simmering in a medium skillet.

Add meatballs, cover and simmer until done, about 12 minutes.


Heat a large skillet over medium heat. When hot, add oil, paprika, cumin and sauté briefly.

Add onion, pepper, garlic and sauté until onion is transparent, about 5 minutes.

Add chard and sauté briefly.

Cover and keep warm until meatballs and pasta are done.

When ready remove meatballs and keep warm.

Add vegetables to simmering stock

Add cornstarch and stir until thickened.

Add meatballs, fresh oregano and stir to combine.

To finish:

Put spaghetti in a bowl, spoon meatballs and sauce over and toss to combine.

Work continues on the girls dining room, aka: our pantry.

That’s where they eat, below the window in that little cove. There must have been a door there at one time….

Anyway, mon mari is re-plastering the outer walls.

I was taking the photos at ‘afternoon walk time’ – thus the close attention of the girls. They eat right after the walk and, as they are always starving, they are always anxious for their walk.

Did I mention that they have a 23 hour clock?

Back to the work….

There is a lovely cabinet cut into the wall. Mon mari has been stripping the paint off the doors.

He’s got about 6 layers off, down to the green that seemed to be everywhere in this house at one time.

He assures me they’ll look better when they’ve been painted.

The girls are excited…. You can tell, right?

If you want nutrition information for the recipe, try this site: Calorie Count

Last Updated on September 30, 2013