Рецепт Sorrel Fettuccine with Brown Shrimp Sauce

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This is the first of 4 recipes I created in partnership with Vitamix and Great British Chefs (that means they paid me to write I used to have a *cough* slightly unhealthy relationship with pasta. I love all carbs, truth be told, but pasta, well, that’s right up there with the foods that make me completely lose control. I would boast of my ability to consume enough for four people, which makes me shudder now when I think about it – what was it with that phase where we boasted about gluttony? It was definitely a thing on Twitter, like a f*cked up competition to show who liked food the most. I guess we just grew out of Now don’t get me wrong, the actual recommended portion size for pasta is just ridiculous. When I first started…
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