Рецепт Roasted Clementine Bruschetta for IHCC
Roasted Clementine Bruschetta for IHCC By Eliot, on December 29th, 2018 I hope everyone had a merry and bright holiday! I had vowed to keep up every week with I Heart Cooking Clubs‘ Ruth Reichl extravaganza but I missed last week. 🙁 It’s been a bit busy here at EE so I almost sat this one out, too. In fact, I had deleted my reminder post. With it being Potluck Week, though, it was easy to join up at the last
This morning, The Hubs reminded me that the Orange Bowl was on and what snacks would we be having during the game. He decided on sandwiches and dip, but I wanted to start with an appetizer. I googled “Ruth Reichl appetizer” and guess what popped up? A most appropriate dish to start our Orange Bowl…
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