Рецепт Quick and Easy Fudge
514 Shares Pin419 Share21 Tweet3 Stumble71 YumI’ve been catching up on reading all my favorite food blogs for the past few days and everyone is just in a frenzy of baking for Christmas. Everywhere I look there are Christmas cookies! Now I know that lots of people really look forward to their Christmas cookies. But for our family Christmas has always been all about the candies. Homemade candies that we don’t usually make during the rest of the year. Like classic peanut brittle or buttermilk pralines and my daughter’s favorite date nut chews which I never have found time to photograph and post. I think she’d be more disappointed if I didn’t make those date nut chews than she would be if there wasn’t a single gift under the tree with her name…
View Full Recipe at Never Enough Thyme