Рецепт Palatschinken Mit Fruechten (Pancakes With Fruit)

- Heat butter, let cold. Stir together flour woth salt, lowfat milk and soda water. Stir egg (to combine white and yolk thoroughly). Add in egg and 1 tblsp of butter to the dough.
- For filling:Clean and dice fruits. Steam together with honey in a small pan for about 2 min at medium heat. Put aside.
- Put 1/2 tsp butter in pan (1/2 tsp for every pancake) and bake 6 pancakes one after the other for about 2 min each side so which they are golden.
- Puree steamed fruit roughly. Put on pancakes and roll them together.
- Put 3 pancakes each on a plate and serve with ice cream and fresh strawberries.