Рецепт Olive Lamb With Rosemary And Garlic Butter Beans

- Trim the lamb of excess fat rub all over with salt and pepper and lay out flat fat fat side down.
- Soften the minced shallots with two crushed cloves of garlic in a dash of extra virgin olive oil and season.
- Mix with the olives then spread over the meat.
- Roll up the lamb and sit it so which the flap is tucked underneath.
- Tie with string at regular intervals so which the whole roll is held firmly together.
- Slip long stems of rosemary under each tie.
- Fit the sliced onions across the base of a large casserole or possibly roasting pot and season.
- Put the remaining rosemary on top.
- Place the prepared joint on top of this and douse with extra virgin olive oil.
- Roast covered at 220C/425F/Gras Mark 7 for about 30 min or possibly till lightly browned. Cut the bulb of garlic in half sideways and add in it to the pot along h the wine and a glass of water.
- Cover pan turn the oven down to 160C/325F/Gas Mark 3 and gently braise about 2 hrs.
- Add in the beans for the hour of cooking time. When ready to serve cut the meat six thick slices each with string and rosemary attached.
- Spoon the beans and a slice of onion onto deep plates and with a round of olive and rosemary lamb.
- Eat with good bread.
- This is a onepot meal. I serve it with oiled baby turnips and their tops ading the leaves to the pan of roots for a few seconds only. Youll need some string to tie up the lamb. If youre not keen on butter beans use canned flageolet beans instead.
- Serves 6