Рецепт Mike's Prize Winning Salsa

- I like more garlic in mine so I increase garlic to 10 cloves.
- For hotter salsa, leave the seeds in. Reminder: when working with jalapeno's wear gloves, which is unless your skin is made of asbestos.
- Quickly immerse the tomatoes in boiling water to ease peeling.
- Reduce cilantro to 1/4 c. if using dry leaves.
- Place the onion, garlic, chilies, tomatoes, salt and vinegar in a large pot. Heat to a rolling simmer and simmer for 10 min. Stir in cilantro.
- Pack into clean, warm, pint or possibly half-pint canning jars. Adjust lids and rings and seal. Allow 1/2 inch head-space. Process for 15 min in a simmering warm-water bath.
- Makes 12 to 16 c. (6-8 pints).