Рецепт Jamaican Jerk Pot Roast, Lhj

- Heat oven to 325 F. Combine water and jerk sauce in heavy Dutch oven.
- Sprinkle salt over pot roast; place in Dutch oven. Cover and roast 1 hour and 15 min.
- Add in sweet potatoes to Dutch oven; cover and roast 30 min more.
- Remove pot roast and potatoes to platter with slotted spoon. Skim fat from drippings; puree drippings in blender. Serve sauce with pot roast and potatoes.
- Jerk sauce is available in specialty stores and by mail from Mo'Hotta
- Prep time: 10 min Roasting time: 1 hour 45 min
- NOTES : This is no run-of-the-mill pot roast. What gives this hearty main dish its unique appeal is a delicate Caribbean-inspired balance of sweet and spicy flavors.