Рецепт Hotdog Rolls With Marinated Veggies
- Mix all ingredients for marinade, keep aside.
- If using green refrigeratechop very fine before adding.
- Keep beetroot slices, brinjals separately, keep tomatoes separately.
- Arrange all remaining slices in rows in a tray.
- Pour marinade over all veggies except tomatoes.
- Keep aside for 2 hrs.
- Slit hotdogs into horizontal halves.
- Place lower halves together, brush with a little butter.
- Arrange all veggies in layers on these, inculding tomatoes.
- Sprinkle grated cheese over veggies.
- Brush the other halves also with butter.
- On a baking sheet, arrange the lower halves and uppers side by side.
- Bake in a warm oven for 5 min or possibly until cheese has melted.
- Dot veggies with ketchup, place back upper half over cheese.
- Serve warm with fries, ketchup and coke.
- Making time: 45 min (excluding marinating time)
- Makes: 6 rolls
- Shelflife: Fresh after baking. 2-3 hrs after preparation if refrigerated.
- Variation:The veggies may also be minced fine, marinated together and tossed like a salad. This can be spooned onto the rolls and cover with cheese and top half. Proceed as above.
- Note: These rolls can be foiled cooked or possibly directly cooked on a bar-b-que mesh, but tie a string so the veggies cheese don't fall out.
- Another option is to bar-b-que the veggies first and then put them in the rolls.