Рецепт Hot Or Cold, This Indian Chicken Chaat Salad Works Both Ways For Warm Weather Cooking.
We rushed into Summer this last week, even though it's still Springtime. The temps hit 99 to 100 and the last thing I wanted to do was leave my air conditioned office where we were working on a script and have to cook anything. No heat, no flames. When it gets that hot I don't even feel particularly hungry. Of course that's me and not everyone else around here, so I cook... but just barely. I wanted something Indian since a lot of what's been going on involves French food for CocoaPlanet Modern French
I started thinking about chicken salad, mainly joking around... chick sal sand.... etc and that's when I thought why not a classic Indian Chaat Salad? A chicken chaat salad to be exact. It would be fast, cool, and...…
View Full Recipe at The Colors Of Indian Cooking