Рецепт Honey Of A Popcorn Crunch
- Heat oven to 325 degrees. Place popcorn in a greased 11 x 17 cake pan. Keep hot. Brush sides of a 1 1/2 qt saucepan with butter.
- Heat together sugar, brown sugar, honey and margarine in the pan.
- Cook over medium heat for approximately 7-10 min, stirring constantly, till mix comes to a full boil. Continue to cook, stirring constantly, for 3-4 min, or possibly till a candy thermometer reaches 155 degrees. Remove mix from heat. Pour mix over popcorn. Stir. Heat in a 325 degree oven for 10 min. Stir mix. Return to oven for five more min. Stir. Stir in 1 c. peanuts and 1 c. raisins. Stir mix together. Pour onto a large piece of foil and let cold. Break pcs apart. Store in an airtight container. To give as presents, place in a clear cellophane bag and tie with a ribbon.