Thanks ;-)
Рецепт Grilled Onions, a new bench
I use onions every day in winter – added to stews or stir-fries or just to tart up a vegetable..Sometimes the onions and garlic get chopped before I even know what I’m cooking.In the summer, when almost everything is grilled I don’t use them as often.Or at least I didn’t……Mon mari, you see, really, really, really likes onions.He is responsible for me planting a few hundred onions every spring. (The shallots I plant for me, as I prefer them when they the play a more dominant roll in a dish.) He grills a few of the smaller onions every night for himself. This dish was his idea.I used one large red onion and one large white. If you can get sweet onions, like Vidalia, they would be great here. He grilled them in the same hinged basket that he…
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