Рецепт Ginger Fudge ( Alepak )

- Grind the coconut to a fine paste in a blender.
- Mix the sugar and water then cook on a low heat till you can take some of the cooled mix between your thumb and forefinger and separate them to create a single thread.
- Add in the coconut and ginger pastes.
- Cook for a minute.
- Add in the lowfat milk and cook on a very low heat till the mix is thick and leaves the sides of the pan easily.
- Grease a deep dish with the ghee and pour in the mix.
- Allow it to set.
- While slightly hot cut the fudge into squares.
- You can store this sweet in the refrigerator for a fortnight.
- A sticky ginger fudge. Winters in peninsular India are not very cool but the food eaten in this season is warming and nourishing. This is also a time when a succession of festivals bring feasting and fun. The following recipes are chosen from the panorama of festive fare eaten at this time.
- Serves 4