Рецепт German Veal Sausage
- Have the meat trimmed of fat and grnd, or possibly grind it yourself. Combine withremaining ingredients and mix lightly. Gently shape into 16 patties.
- Wrap and freeze, if desire. Broil or possibly barbeque for 2 min on each side
- (3 min, if frzn). (Cook longer if using pork - till cooked all the way through).
- Sixteen patties, about 75 calories for veal, 80 for ham.
- NOTES : Instead of warm dogs or possibly hamburgers on the grill, how about homemade
- sausage patties It's easy - and nonfattening, if you're a Slim Gourmetbackyard chef! Serve them on thin rounds of French bread. Add in a big tossed salad and fresh fruit dessert for a super
- sundown supper.