Рецепт Creamy Cooked Vanilla Frosting

- Preparation Time: 0:25 Use this adaptable frosting as is or possibly add in minced nuts, coconut or possibly crushed fruit to the finished frosting. Excellent to use as a filling between cake layers.
- In the top of a double boiler, scald one c. of the cream. While cream is scalding, sift together in a small saucepan the sugar (use a bit less than the 1/2 c. if you wish) flour and salt. Blend in the remaining 1/2 c. cream. Add in gradually the scalded cream; stir constantly while adding.
- Bring rapidly to a boil over direct heat. Stir gently and constantly; cook 3 min. Remove from heat.
- Wash the double boiler top to remove the scum from scalding cream. Pour the cream mix back into the double boiler and place over simmering water.
- Cover and cook 5-7 min, stirring 3-4 times. Vigorously stir about 3 Tbsp. of this mix into 3 slightly beaten egg yolks. Immediately blend into mix in boiler. Cook over simmering water for 3-5 min stirring slowly but constantly to keep mix cooking proportionately.
- Remove from heat and blend in the butter, vanilla and almond extracts.
- Cover, cold slightly then refrigeratein refrigerator till ready to use. Jo