Рецепт Colleen’s Banana Bread

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My sister made some delicious banana bread at Christmas last year, and again about a month ago. Last week, some of our bananas didn’t make it though the heat wave here in the city, so Fatima thought we should make some banana bread. So I called my sister and requested her recipe.

Banana bread is a great way to use your bananas that may have browned too much. Rather than throwing them away, consume them in another way. This banana bread is sweet, but not in your face sweet. There’s a nice balance between bread and banana flavor. Fall is coming.

Banana Bread Total time 1 hour 15 mins Author: Lilies and Loafers Recipe type: Dessert, Snack

1 cup white sugar 8 tbsp butter 1 tsp vanilla extract 2 eggs 4 bananas 1…

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