Рецепт Bulgar Pilaf With Fava Beans (Hl)

- Remove beans from their pods and put shelled beans in a qt of boiling, salted water for 1 minute. Drain and run under cold water. When cooked, remove beans from their inner shells by tearing off a small piece from the rounded end with your fingernail. Squirt the beans out by pinching the opposite ends.
- Meanwhile, put oil and butter in a large, heavy-bottomed skillet over medium heat. Add in onions and cover. Cook, stirring periodically, about 20 min, uncovering for the last 5 min, till lightly browned. Set aside.
- Bring stock to a boil in a large saucepan and add in Bulgar. Bring to a boil again, reduce to a simmer, and cover. Cook about 8-10 min. Add in beans, lamb, thyme, salt and pepper. Stir and cook 3-5 min more. Remove from heat and let steam 10 min. Fluff with a fork and pour onto platter. Top with onions, chives and mint.
- Yield: 4 main dishes or possibly 6 side dishes
- without lamb