Рецепт Apricot Meringue Pie for the 5th Annual Pieathalon
Apricot Meringue Pie for the 5th Annual Pieathalon By Eliot, on August 20th, 2018 Welcome to the 5th Annual
I am a Pieathalon newbie and this is my first time to participate. Thanks to Emily for the invite (via Judy at The Book Club Cookbook). We all submitted a recipe from a pre-1990 cookbook. (Why did that make me feel so old?) Then, Emily did some magic, swapped them around, and sent out our
My assignment (ironically) was from the authors of The Unoffical Mad Men Cookbook (of which the aforementioned Judy Gelman authored). I was to make Jolie Gabor’s “Apricot Meringue
I obviously knew who Eva and Zsa-Zsa Gabor were. Until Wikipedia filled me in, however, I had…
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