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  • 1/2 lb Margerine
  • 1/4 lb Butter
  • 1 1/2 c. Sugar
  • 4 ounce Almonds
  • 15 ounce Plain Hershey Bars
  • 1/2 c. Walnuts Minced Fine


  1. Turn electric fry pan to high and heat the butter and margerine. Add in sugar stirring constantly. (shift heat as necessary). Don't let mix get too brown, as light tan is the desired color.
  2. After 5 min, add in almonds; and then cook as before for 5 more min.
  3. Pour into an ungreased cookie sheet pouring off excess butter. Cold.
  4. Meanwhile, heat chocolate in double boiler.
  5. When candy is cold, frost top half and sprinkle with nuts.
  6. Turn over and repeat.
  7. Break into small pcs to serve.
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