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These are highly concentrated essences of a wide variety of flavors, like cinnamon, anise, bitter almonds, and peppermint. They're often used to make hard candies and lip glosses, but they also make excellent substitutes for extracts--just use much less than the recipe calls for. Look for flavoring oils near the spices in large supermarkets or in candy supply stores or pharmacies. You can store them indefinitely in a cool, dark place.

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Также известен как

  • Flavoring oils
  • Essential oils
  • Flavor oils

Можно заменить

extract (Extracts evaporate easily, and therefore can't withstand high heat or prolonged cooking. Four units of extract is roughly equivalent to one unit of flavoring oil, but this may vary according to the products used. Begin by substituting two units of extract per unit of flavoring oil, then add more extract until you're satisfied with the flavor.)
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