Beluga caviar

In recent years, over-fishing in the Caspian Sea has greatly depleted sturgeon populations. Please consider using caviar and roe from more abundant species until the Caspian Sea sturgeon populations can recover. Beluga caviar is one of the best and priciest of the caviars. The eggs are large and bluish-grey, and slightly sweet. A pasteurized version is available in jars, but fresh caviar is much better. Malossol (lightly salted) beluga is the finest, and the most expensive. If substituting an inferior caviar, consider perking it up with a splash of fresh lemon juice.
2 tablespoons = 1 ounce
Можно заменить
hackleback caviar (smaller grains, less expensive) OR keluga (a Chinese version of beluga) OR ossetra caviar (smaller grains, brown instead of gray; stronger, nuttier flavor) OR sevruga caviar (even smaller grains, even stronger flavor) OR paddlefish caviar (gray, not black) OR bowfin caviar (similar color) OR lumpfish roe (not as delicate)