Создатель: Amos Miller

Swedes, Danes, Norwegians, Finns, Icelanders - Let's Get Cooking!

We are looking for recipes from every one of the Scandinavian countries. Each has it's own specialties, each offers fresh tastes and creative ways to use fruits, vegetables, seafood, flesh and fowl. If you are a chef from any of the Scandinavian countries, or the descendent of Scandinavian immigrants, we need your wonderful recipes and the stories that go with them. I've started things out with my great-great-farmors recipe for limpa bread from the Skane province of Sweden. I will continue to post more recipes, most of which I'll attribute, a few of which are from my father's family. Please join me! Villkommen!

I'll see if I can find my father-in-law's recipe for Glug, or Glogg or whatever it's called.

Glug! What a great beverage on a cold day! Keep hunting, Phyllis, and see what other recipes might be out there. I have a good recipe for korv, a potato sausage that is much like a mild bratwurst. But, probably more to your taste will be a couple of fresh seafood recipes I'll put up.
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