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Создатель: Nancy Miyasaki

ideas for improing CookEatShare

Mares 09 мая 2011

If anything could be altered, I'd appreciate a bit more flexibility with the drop down menus that you have to fill out when adding a recipe, such as recipe description particulars, and other such fields. They don't always apply, and the option 'other' or to opt out of that description would be appreciated. Also the serving/cups/bowl field is also confusing. It tells you that you can type in 'cups' or 'bowls' but the end result doesn't display that info, only, 'servings'. Also, sometimes a recipe's serving amount can be a bit fluid. I tend to prefer to list the serving info at the end of the recipe directions when they aren't so cut and dry. I appreciate the functions of assisting meal planning, and being able to search for recipes by ingredient, et al.. , but the drop down menu options can be frustrating.

I'm not a 'foodie blogger' per-say, but wanted an option to store recipes online, to provide me an easy source to go to, so I'd only have to copy and paste a recipe into an email, when I wanted to share it with my daughter or friends. Back in 2006, my daughter had moved away to school, and then got the foodie bug and wanted to develop her cooking skills (she'd been resistant to learning to cook as a teenager), and as she gained in confidence, she'd frequently request the recipe for this or that, and I grew tired of having to go get my box of recipe cards, or haul out one cookbook or another and type them out again and again. I tried various computer recipe programs, but gave up as there wasn't really anything straight forward and easy. Ultimately creating a private recipe blog, with all my recipes listed, per course/type, using anchor tags to make finding each recipe easy, and getting back to the index a snap. If anyone knows of a simple, straight forward, bare bones recipe program, I'd love to hear any recommendations.

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John Spottiswood
John Spottiswood 10 мая 2011, 04:01
Re: ideas for improing CookEatShare

Thanks for the suggestions Mares. I agree that the recipe entry could be easier. I think we'll update this in a future release, and will take your suggestions into account. We'll try to fix the cups, bowls, etc. in advance, as that is a bug. They should be showing up instead of servings if you enter them. If you have any other suggestions or ideas, please post them!

Amos Miller
Amos Miller 13 мая 2011, 02:31
Re: ideas for improing CookEatShare

Really solid suggestions, Mares.
