Создатель: Nancy Miyasaki


Amos Miller
Amos Miller 04 марта 2011

How about an email notification to the chef who posts a suggestion, for example in Tips & Helpful Hints, alerting the chef that someone as replied to the post? It would be unfortunate for CES to have folks feel they are being ignored after they take the time to add something to the conversation. While some of us troll through our groups, many may not. But common sense dictates that if you don't remain interactive on an internet site, people feel ignored and move on to a more interactive site. We are notified if someone reviews or comments - why not when someone responds to a post?

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Hungry Jenny
Hungry Jenny 10 марта 2011, 19:04
Re: Notification

I think this is a great suggestion too! And to be able to 'subscribe' to a group conversation you're interested in so that you get an alert of a new message (whether you have already participated in the conversation or not)

Hungry Jenny x

Amos Miller
Amos Miller 11 марта 2011, 22:39
Re: Notification

HJ - you are a very cool lady. Your enhancement is excellent and spot on, as you would say!
best regards - Amos

Hungry Jenny
Hungry Jenny 12 марта 2011, 11:59
Re: Notification

Aw, thanks Amos! At the moment, I find myself just 'checking in' to the groups I've joined to see if there's been any responses to threads I'm interested in, so just would be good to get some sort of alert instead.

I really like using CES, and agree with you on a point you made elsewhere on this site that one of CES's strong points is how the creator's respond to and welcome feedback on how to make the site even stronger


Hungry Jenny x

Frank Fariello
Frank Fariello 12 марта 2011, 14:44
Re: Notification

Yes, excellent idea! I have left some messages/comments go for too long since I don't always remember to check in on all my groups all the time...

And I've had the same trouble when I get comments on my profile, since the notifications come in a 'stream' a bit like Twitter, so if you don't act fast you can miss them...

A.L. Wiebe
A.L. Wiebe 22 марта 2011, 16:33
Re: Notification

I have sent messages and made comments, but the replies have been lost to me for days at a time, until I find them quite by accident.
An email notification would be so much more efficient, as I too sometimes forget to check all my groups. Not that there are so many lol.
