Создатель: Nancy Miyasaki

Recipe write-ups on CES vs links to blog recipe

Hungry Jenny
Hungry Jenny 11 февраля 2011


I was just wondering what people's general opinions were on viewing recipes in CES - do you prefer seeing the fully written up version (ie uploading the actual recipe using all the categories), or do you prefer the ones where it links through to the person's blog which includes the recipe in their post?

Personally, I like to click through to a person's blog (or at least have that option) because I'm always interested to see what that blogger's thoughts are behind the recipe etc.

At the moment, I both manually upload the recipe as well as link to my blog, which creates some sort of duplication I'm sure, but I don't know how that shows up in people's feeds etc - does it just come up twice? Does that bother you?


Hungry Jenny x

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Patrick Travis
Patrick Travis 11 февраля 2011, 16:36
Re: Recipe write-ups on CES vs links to blog recipe

Although I like to see the chef’s site and read their blog or comments, I prefer the standard CES recipe page. This is because some of the blog sites can be slow to download. I’m sure this can be due in part to my internet service. The best option would be to go first to CES and have a link to the blog site. How I choose to view a recipe all depends on what I’m doing, if I just want to take a fast peek at the recipe while I’m at work or have time to enjoy a leisurely browse in the evening.

Michelle M
Michelle M 11 февраля 2011, 19:06
Re: Recipe write-ups on CES vs links to blog recipe

I like the blog links. More personality, less sterile. I also like finding new food blogs and reading people's posts that go along with a recipe.

John Spottiswood
John Spottiswood 14 февраля 2011, 05:04
Re: Recipe write-ups on CES vs links to blog recipe

Hi Jenny...that's an excellent question. I prefer the recipe view (CES) if I have the choice. There are certain functions that are easier and more consistent with it (print view, viewing comments/reviews, etc.). That said, we're trying to make those as consistent as possible for both blog and CES entered recipes. I think if you can give the user a choice, that's probably ideal. But obviously it's a bit more work for you.
Either way....thanks for all the great recipes you are sharing!

Michelle M
Michelle M 14 февраля 2011, 14:57
Re: Recipe write-ups on CES vs links to blog recipe

More to add after reading John's comment!

While I do prefer the blog links, I've noticed one aspect of adding recipes that way that I have trouble getting around.

When I add a recipe using the CES recipe view, it is very simple to add the recipe to my applicable groups.

When I add a recipe using a blog link up, I find that I'm constantly having to leave and rejoin groups in order to bump certain groups up on my group menu. The entire group menu doesn't show. I'm thinking it has something to do with the frame format (?).

But I still enjoy reading blog posts!

Hungry Jenny
Hungry Jenny 14 февраля 2011, 16:16
Re: Recipe write-ups on CES vs links to blog recipe


Thanks all for your thoughts - I'm not against giving people both the option of viewing the recipe via my blog as well as via the CES recipe write-up, as it doesn't actually create that much extra work, so to speak - I was just wondering how it affects the way they show up in people's feeds and if the duplication was irritating.

Michelle, I didn't really understand your comment about having to leave/rejoin groups? My only comment on the groups thing is that I used to add recipes to all applicable groups that a dish suited, before realising that it causes a duplication that could irritate others (ie seeing the same recipe in all the groups they are a part of), so now just pick one group to add the recipe to. There was a discussion going on (I think perhaps in this group) about this which made me think about this!

I do like the easy format that CES provides for uploading recipes, though I've just noticed that I've been filling out the 'serving size' option in a way that makes it inaccurate - because alot of my recipes are baking-related, I tend to just put the size of the tin in the serving size (and then the type of tin in the next box), and then recently realised that it takes the number as the number of servings in the section just before the ingredients are listed! So a task of mine is having to go back through all my recipes to update these to make them accurate and not confuse people.

I'm in the midst of 'cleaning up' all the recipes on my blog and CES to make them consistent - it's a big job but hopefully worth it to make them user-friendly for all!


Jenny x

Michelle M
Michelle M 14 февраля 2011, 18:56
Re: Recipe write-ups on CES vs links to blog recipe

Let me see if I can better explain...
I'm talking about recipes that are linked through my blog--where CES options are in a frame at the top of the page and the rest of the page shows my blog. When I want to add that recipe to my groups, the list of groups doesn't completely show. Even when I scroll down, some groups that I belong to do not appear in the menu. There's enough room for maybe 12-14 groups. Groups are listed in the order in which I've joined, with the first group I joined at the top of the option list. The ones I've most recently joined don't appear in the drop down menu at all. If I want to add a recipe to a group I've just joined, I end up having to leave a couple of groups so that the group I've most recently joined appears.

It could very well be that there is an alternate way to add recipes to groups when dealing with a blog within the CES frame. But I don't know about it and have invented my own (cumbersome) way around the problem!

Hungry Jenny
Hungry Jenny 20 февраля 2011, 19:12
Re: Recipe write-ups on CES vs links to blog recipe

Hi Michelle

Ah, I see what you mean now! It never occured to me before to add my blog post CES links to the relevant groups as well actually. In my case, all of the groups I've joined show up, so it seems I haven't yet hit the 'limit' for the number of groups that show up on the drop down menu. But I'm continuing to both link my blog posts to CES (the ones with a recipe) as well as manually upload the recipe itself to CES anyway - so I just add that CES uploaded recipe to the relevant group, and not the blog post listing as well.


Jenny x

Jann from PA
Jann from PA 03 марта 2011, 11:51
Re: Recipe write-ups on CES vs links to blog recipe

IMHO, I prefer the CES recipes over looking through a blog to find a recipe, esp. if I am looking for a recipe to make. While I do like the additional info and family traditions, I'd like that as an *option* please. I have limited time and energy so I appreciate not having to wade through a blog each and every time to find a recipe. Plus, the frames make it difficut for me to read on my little netbook. Like I said that is just my 2 cents here from my perspective. Thanks for all the recipes on this site...Jann
